Saturday, August 31, 2013

Some thoughts about Syria

Ok, I sleep with Foxnews on(well on the weekends so i don't piss Tony off when he has to get up early for work). All night I hear about this Syria fiasco. obama and biden are simply idiots, one would think at their ages that they would know that their words will eventually come back to bite them in the ass. Let me start off by saying Biden is hmmm at best a retard(apology to the learning disabled). Many times while i have watched him on tv, I have just cringed with the thought of "what now, and how the hell can he possible embarrass the US more than he already has". Biden said of President Bush that he would bring up impeachment  if Bush went to war  without congressional  approval first. Obama, in 2007 said that the president does not have the power to do go to war unless the safety of the nation was at stake. Let's get this straight now. Obama does not care of the people of this country, he does not care about their futures, but he cares about some Muslim country??? and the fact that Assad isn't much different than Obama. The major difference is that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people.Obama he hasn't done anything that outright against his country but under his presidency, we now are in the worst debt ever, racial tensions are at an all time high, no one in the world has respect or fear for us, and now he wants to do something about Syria?? really? are you fucking serious??Let's see, he got on the TV and talked some shit last year about Syria and said that Assad had better not cross the 'red line' or else. or else what? ok, here are the some cruise missiles at Syria(they will do relatively little damage, they won't affect the chemical weapons that Assad used on his people, and Assad is going to stay in power and fuck with his people more whenever the hell he wants. But there is a bigger point here. The US no longer has the support of our allies. Syria has the support of Russia and Iran, they say they will hurt Israel if the US gets involved in this, not only do we need to think of this but really Obama should have thought of this b4 he ran his mouth. If someone tells me not to do something and I do it anyways, there will be consequences. The consequences should be something Obama thinks of. What if he fires his little missiles at Syria and it pisses Assad, Russia and Iran off in a bad manner, maybe they won't just take it out on Israel, maybe they will bring it to our land. I can't understand why this idiot would tell every single thing that he is thinking of doing with the exception of the exact time. What could he be thinking??? I have no problem with saying in my personal opinion that Obama is doing EVERYTHING in his power to destroy our country in every way he can think of.

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