Friday, August 30, 2013

More Ramblings

I am truly enjoying being able to blow off steam about things that piss me off. Being that I am sick and can't do very much, because of being constantly fatigued this is nice. This is not only going to be about things that upset me, also about the direction of our country. I remember a time when many of us were proud of the country we lived in, where we KNEW we were blessed to be born in the BEST country on Earth. It saddens me to see what our beloved United States of America has become. No one respects us, they certainly do not fear us. I have not always been interested in politics and I became interested in them when my brother went to Iraq as a civilian contractor. I have often talked shit that the only reason I felt we went over there was cuz Cheney(VP) was CEO of Halliburton and they(KBR) won the contract becuz of that. How true that really is I have no idea. I did not always agree with President Bush. I feel alot of mistakes were made during his administration but at least no one messed with us. Even Britain doesn't want to stand with us on this Syria deal. Putin shows no fear, he thinks obama is a pussy and that we won't do anything. I personally think we should let these fuckers kill each other. The muslims do not like us, when I say 'us' I mean white, Christian, American, pork eating, bathing people. This is going to bring me to another rant, how come we can have a fucking holiday for every single race, religion, gender ect...but we can't have a "Good Ole White Boy" Day?? I honestly believe we should let all of them kill each other over there in the mid east. The same goes for Chicago and LA and let all the gangs go wild, maybe we will get lucky and a good portion of the scum will be gone. When obama brought our brave men and women home from Iraq, he should have stationed them at the border to stop the influx of illegal immigrants. Why are they finding fire arms that are missing from ATF over there? Why is nothing being done about any of these scandals??? I feel there is a bigger picture here and I am NOT on any mood or mind altering drugs. I mean come on now, Clinton almost got impeached for getting a fucking blow job cuz his wife was a dried up old hag and he used his position of power for a piece of ass. obama is doing MUCH worse, that threatens our country and our way of life and NOTHING is being done. It is like people are afraid to speak out. I have no fear of speaking my mind, I always have, yes and have gotten a bunch of  shit over it, but really how many people are really going to read some dying bitch's blog about her thoughts and opinions about the state of this country? Everytime another scandal gets brought to light obama finds a way to take the focus off of what is really going on and tries to get the American people to pay attention to something else. Why is this not being talked about in MSM? The other day I was watching Bill O'Reilly and i saw this "Watters World", I was floored! I saw some of the stupidest people I have ever seen in my life on there. What has happened to our people that they know NOTHING of what is going on? I do not claim to be highly intelligent but God gave me a brain and I attempt to use it.

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