Monday, August 12, 2013

What is pissing me off today is the fact that some mothers are able to do what they do and there is no consequences. My bf's son Aiden, his mother is a junkie and shoots up pills on a daily basis and then tells people that she doesnt get child support(I will attach a jpg of proof from Fl Dept of Revenue). She has told me herself "That comes in MY name and it is not for Aiden, it is to make things easier on me".  She lives at home with HER mother(who by the way smokes more weed then I did when I was in my 20's). Kathy(Aidens grandmother) has told me b4 that she has found used needles in her daughters room(Kathy is still making Brandis bed(she is 35 yrs old). I, myself used to help Kathy around the house and when I would be doing dishes would find the back of spoons blackened from cooking up the pills. Tony took Aiden out school shopping because Brandi spent 7$ at Goodwill for Aidens school clothes and Tony didn't want Aiden to be made fun of at school. Kathy had a complete fit, she was screaming and yelling and said "We got this covered, we don't need YOUR help you fucking piece of shit". When I first moved here, I tried to get along, I mean this was no easy thing for me, but I loved Aiden and she is his mother, I even got along with her girlfriend. I tried to help, but there is no helping addicts, there is just take take take! I was told by Tony, if you help them, they will just expect it, and then when you don't feel good, they will get pissed. I didn't listen to him. When my mama came to visit me, she told them exactly how things were, that i was terminally ill and that dr's in 3 different states had given me less than 2 yrs because I have stage 4 cirrhosis,chronic pancreatitis, and kidney failure and that I was on borrowed time. This was not something my mama heard from me, I have had long hospital stays and she has heard this from dr's in their offices and has visited me in hospitals in SC,NY, and FL. I do not let this shit get me down. In fact, some would say I haven't dealt with it at all. Until last November I drank as much as I could every single day. BUT I have always woke up happy and greatful to be alive if for nothing drink some more. Since November I have drank 2 times. My history is not good but if there is anything I truly know about it is alcoholism and drug addiction. I was an IV heroin addict for many years. Track marks tell on themselves, no excuses of "it's an ant bite" or "I got that from donating blood" will work for me. I have witnessed firsthand the mother of this child telling him "If HRS comes here you BETTER not tell them anything or they will put you in a foster home and you will get sexually and physically abused, you will never ever get Christmas presents or birthday presents". HRS has been called in this situation and NO ONE is doing ANYTHING. The police came one time when the mother took a boxcutter to her girlfriend and got aggravated assault and battery with a deadly weapon, they found a meth lab while they were here, no case got opened, no one drug tested. I find this baffling to say the least. When I lost my children 12 yrs ago, they opened the case and I lost my parental rights with NO allegations of abuse, only drug use.This woman has her son in a school for slow children, he is not slow. That was proven the first 3 months I lived here when I sat down everyday and helped him with his homework and he brought home an A, B's and C's. Even though she receives child support every week her mother says she has no gas to take Aiden to school. Aiden came to us one day and said "My nan sent me out here because she needs gas to get me to school" Tony gave him a 10$ bill. They went to McD's for (2) 1$ sandwiches, put 3$ in gas and Aiden told us Kathy then went and bought a nickle bag of weed with the rest. This young man misses at least 3 days of school a month because there is no gas, no one feels like getting up and taking him or he just feels like staying home and playin with his xbox or kindle. This is crazy!!!!! I wish someone would read this would call someone who could do SOMETHING!!